1)连接器 HttpConnector和HttpProcessor 连接器及其支持类 标示HTTP请求的类(HTTPRequest)及其支持类 负责HTTP响应的类,HttpResponse以及其支持类,外观类以及常量类
2)启动模块 启动模块包括一个类,就是startup.Bootstrap 类,负责启动应用程序。
package ex03.pyrmont.startup;import ex03.pyrmont.connector.http.HttpConnector;public final class Bootstrap{ public static void main(String[] args) { HttpConnector connector = new HttpConnector(); connector.start(); }}
import java.io.IOException;import java.net.InetAddress;import java.net.ServerSocket;import java.net.Socket;public class HttpConnector implements Runnable{ boolean stopped; private String scheme = "http"; public String getScheme() { return scheme; } public void run() { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; int port = 8080; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 1, InetAddress.getByName("")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } while (!stopped) { // Accept the next incoming connection from the server socket Socket socket = null; try { socket = serverSocket.accept(); } catch (Exception e) { continue; } // Hand this socket off to an HttpProcessor HttpProcessor processor = new HttpProcessor(this); processor.process(socket); } } public void start() { Thread thread = new Thread(this); thread.start(); }}
public void process(Socket socket) { SocketInputStream input = null; OutputStream output = null; try { input = new SocketInputStream(socket.getInputStream(), 2048); output = socket.getOutputStream(); // create HttpRequest object and parse request = new HttpRequest(input); // create HttpResponse object response = new HttpResponse(output); response.setRequest(request); response.setHeader("Server", "Pyrmont Servlet Container"); parseRequest(input, output); parseHeaders(input); // check if this is a request for a servlet or a static resource // a request for a servlet begins with "/servlet/" if (request.getRequestURI().startsWith("/servlet/")) { ServletProcessor processor = new ServletProcessor(); processor.process(request, response); } else { StaticResourceProcessor processor = new StaticResourceProcessor(); processor.process(request, response); } // Close the socket socket.close(); // no shutdown for this application } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
1:HttpRequestLine类,定义在HttpProcessor方法的成员变量当中。private HttpRequestLine requestLine = new HttpRequestLine();
该类中对http请求内容中的请求行(http请求依次分为请求行、请求头、/r/n,请求体四部分),第一行内容进行了解析 即
POST /servlet/primitServlet Http/1.1 GET /sample/hello.jsp HTTP/1.1 这样的内容
HttpRequestLine类是一个可以复用的类(PS:但是HttpProcessor在这个框架当中没有对象池的复用,所以没有卵用),对httpMethod httpUrl protocol 三部分做了处理。其中还提供了字符串匹配的方法indexOf(char[] xxx) indexOf(String xxx)
/** * HTTP request line enum type. */final class HttpRequestLine{ // -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants public static final int INITIAL_METHOD_SIZE = 8; public static final int INITIAL_URI_SIZE = 64; public static final int INITIAL_PROTOCOL_SIZE = 8; public static final int MAX_METHOD_SIZE = 1024; public static final int MAX_URI_SIZE = 32768; public static final int MAX_PROTOCOL_SIZE = 1024; // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors public HttpRequestLine() { this(new char[INITIAL_METHOD_SIZE], 0, new char[INITIAL_URI_SIZE], 0, new char[INITIAL_PROTOCOL_SIZE], 0); } public HttpRequestLine(char[] method, int methodEnd, char[] uri, int uriEnd, char[] protocol, int protocolEnd) { this.method = method; this.methodEnd = methodEnd; this.uri = uri; this.uriEnd = uriEnd; this.protocol = protocol; this.protocolEnd = protocolEnd; } // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables public char[] method; public int methodEnd; public char[] uri; public int uriEnd; public char[] protocol; public int protocolEnd; // ------------------------------------------------------------- Properties // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods /** * Release all object references, and initialize instance variables, in * preparation for reuse of this object. */ public void recycle() { methodEnd = 0; uriEnd = 0; protocolEnd = 0; } /** * Test if the uri includes the given char array. */ public int indexOf(char[] buf) { return indexOf(buf, buf.length); } /** * Test if the value of the header includes the given char array. */ public int indexOf(char[] buf, int end) { char firstChar = buf[0]; int pos = 0; while (pos < uriEnd) { pos = indexOf(firstChar, pos); if (pos == -1) return -1; if ((uriEnd - pos) < end) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { if (uri[i + pos] != buf[i]) break; if (i == (end - 1)) return pos; } pos++; } return -1; } /** * Test if the value of the header includes the given string. */ public int indexOf(String str) { return indexOf(str.toCharArray(), str.length()); } /** * Returns the index of a character in the value. */ public int indexOf(char c, int start) { for (int i = start; i < uriEnd; i++) { if (uri[i] == c) return i; } return -1; } // --------------------------------------------------------- Object Methods public int hashCode() { // FIXME return 0; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { return false; }}
我们要注意到parseRequest方法的第一行代码 input.readRequestLine(requestLine) SocketInputStream的该方法完成了对HttpRequestLine对象的初始化,主要初始化了六个对象
public char[] method; //method对象
public int methodEnd; //method对象的结束位置 public char[] uri; //uri对象 public int uriEnd; //uri对象的结束位置 public char[] protocol; //协议对象 public int protocolEnd;//协议对象的结束位置注意read方法完成了对count的初始化,并且将第一行内容缓存到char[] buf当中
/** * Read byte. */ public int read() throws IOException { if (pos >= count) { fill(); if (pos >= count) return -1; } return buf[pos++] & 0xff; }
/** * Fill the internal buffer using data from the undelying input stream. */ protected void fill() throws IOException { pos = 0; count = 0; int nRead = is.read(buf, 0, buf.length); if (nRead > 0) { count = nRead; } }
public void readRequestLine(HttpRequestLine requestLine) throws IOException { // Recycling check if (requestLine.methodEnd != 0) requestLine.recycle(); // Checking for a blank line int chr = 0; do { // Skipping CR or LF try { chr = read(); } catch (IOException e) { chr = -1; } } while ((chr == CR) || (chr == LF)); if (chr == -1) throw new EOFException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.error")); pos--; // Reading the method name int maxRead = requestLine.method.length; int readStart = pos; int readCount = 0; boolean space = false; while (!space) { // if the buffer is full, extend it if (readCount >= maxRead) { if ((2 * maxRead) <= HttpRequestLine.MAX_METHOD_SIZE) { char[] newBuffer = new char[2 * maxRead]; System.arraycopy(requestLine.method, 0, newBuffer, 0, maxRead); requestLine.method = newBuffer; maxRead = requestLine.method.length; } else { throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.toolong")); } } // We're at the end of the internal buffer if (pos >= count) { int val = read(); if (val == -1) { throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.error")); } pos = 0; readStart = 0; } if (buf[pos] == SP) { space = true; } requestLine.method[readCount] = (char) buf[pos]; readCount++; pos++; } requestLine.methodEnd = readCount - 1; // Reading URI maxRead = requestLine.uri.length; readStart = pos; readCount = 0; space = false; boolean eol = false; while (!space) { // if the buffer is full, extend it if (readCount >= maxRead) { if ((2 * maxRead) <= HttpRequestLine.MAX_URI_SIZE) { char[] newBuffer = new char[2 * maxRead]; System.arraycopy(requestLine.uri, 0, newBuffer, 0, maxRead); requestLine.uri = newBuffer; maxRead = requestLine.uri.length; } else { throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.toolong")); } } // We're at the end of the internal buffer if (pos >= count) { int val = read(); if (val == -1) throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.error")); pos = 0; readStart = 0; } if (buf[pos] == SP) { space = true; } else if ((buf[pos] == CR) || (buf[pos] == LF)) { // HTTP/0.9 style request eol = true; space = true; } requestLine.uri[readCount] = (char) buf[pos]; readCount++; pos++; } //请求航URL结束 requestLine.uriEnd = readCount - 1; // Reading protocol maxRead = requestLine.protocol.length; readStart = pos; readCount = 0; while (!eol) { // if the buffer is full, extend it if (readCount >= maxRead) { if ((2 * maxRead) <= HttpRequestLine.MAX_PROTOCOL_SIZE) { char[] newBuffer = new char[2 * maxRead]; System.arraycopy(requestLine.protocol, 0, newBuffer, 0, maxRead); requestLine.protocol = newBuffer; maxRead = requestLine.protocol.length; } else { throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.toolong")); } } // We're at the end of the internal buffer if (pos >= count) { // Copying part (or all) of the internal buffer to the line // buffer int val = read(); if (val == -1) throw new IOException(sm.getString("requestStream.readline.error")); pos = 0; readStart = 0; } if (buf[pos] == CR) { // Skip CR. } else if (buf[pos] == LF) { eol = true; } else { requestLine.protocol[readCount] = (char) buf[pos]; readCount++; } pos++; } // HTTP/1.1 requestLine.protocolEnd = readCount; }
private void parseRequest(SocketInputStream input, OutputStream output) throws IOException, ServletException { // Parse the incoming request line input.readRequestLine(requestLine); String method = new String(requestLine.method, 0, requestLine.methodEnd); String uri = null; String protocol = new String(requestLine.protocol, 0, requestLine.protocolEnd); // Validate the incoming request line if (method.length() < 1) { throw new ServletException("Missing HTTP request method"); } else if (requestLine.uriEnd < 1) { throw new ServletException("Missing HTTP request URI"); } // Parse any query parameters out of the request URI int question = requestLine.indexOf("?"); if (question >= 0) { request.setQueryString(new String(requestLine.uri, question + 1, requestLine.uriEnd - question - 1)); uri = new String(requestLine.uri, 0, question); } else { request.setQueryString(null); uri = new String(requestLine.uri, 0, requestLine.uriEnd); } // Checking for an absolute URI (with the HTTP protocol) if (!uri.startsWith("/")) { int pos = uri.indexOf("://"); // Parsing out protocol and host name if (pos != -1) { pos = uri.indexOf('/', pos + 3); if (pos == -1) { uri = ""; } else { uri = uri.substring(pos); } } } // Parse any requested session ID out of the request URI String match = ";jsessionid="; int semicolon = uri.indexOf(match); if (semicolon >= 0) { String rest = uri.substring(semicolon + match.length()); int semicolon2 = rest.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon2 >= 0) { request.setRequestedSessionId(rest.substring(0, semicolon2)); rest = rest.substring(semicolon2); } else { request.setRequestedSessionId(rest); rest = ""; } request.setRequestedSessionURL(true); uri = uri.substring(0, semicolon) + rest; } else { request.setRequestedSessionId(null); request.setRequestedSessionURL(false); } // Normalize URI (using String operations at the moment) String normalizedUri = normalize(uri); // Set the corresponding request properties ((HttpRequest) request).setMethod(method); request.setProtocol(protocol); if (normalizedUri != null) { ((HttpRequest) request).setRequestURI(normalizedUri); } else { ((HttpRequest) request).setRequestURI(uri); } if (normalizedUri == null) { throw new ServletException("Invalid URI: " + uri + "'"); } }
private String parseUri(String requestString) { int index1, index2; index1 = requestString.indexOf(' '); if (index1 != -1) { index2 = requestString.indexOf(' ', index1 + 1); if (index2 > index1) return requestString.substring(index1 + 1, index2); } return null; }
public void parse(){ // Read a set of characters from the socket StringBuffer request = new StringBuffer(2048); int i; byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; try { i = input.read(buffer); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); i = -1; } for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { request.append((char) buffer[j]); } System.out.print(request.toString()); uri = parseUri(request.toString());}